Posts Tagged ‘mercy’

Doctrine of the Pardon

by Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) … If we tru­ly come to God for mer­cy, the great­ness of our sin will be no imped­i­ment to par­don. — If it were an imped­i­ment, David would nev­er have used it as a plea for par­don, as we find he does in the text. — The fol­low­ing things are need­ful in order that we tru­ly come to God for mer­cy:  I. That we should see our mis­ery, and be sen­si­ble of our need of mer­cy. They who are not sen­si­ble of their mis­ery can­not tru­ly look to God for mer­cy; for it is the very notion Read more
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